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Shitty memes thread / husker or nonhusker related I don’t care (3 Viewers)


Elite Member
Must have been a Cockeye who made this
View attachment 21490
I did some business with T-Mobile a few months ago and they have invested heavily into the west Cockeye portion of Nebraska and lincoln down to Beatrice. But yeah they def don’t cover Nebraska much yet. They will be later this year.

They have some really solid deals honestly which I’m excited about to give us another option outside of Verizon.


GIF Master
I did some business with T-Mobile a few months ago and they have invested heavily into the west Cockeye portion of Nebraska and lincoln down to Beatrice. But yeah they def don’t cover Nebraska much yet. They will be later this year.

They have some really solid deals honestly which I’m excited about to give us another option outside of Verizon.
Big Companies that have a strangle hold on the market suck ass. The more competition the better.

Very happy that streaming came about because satellite/cable were fuck buckets, and DISH was the #1 culprit for me.

Was with Dish for a number of years, and I knew I didn't have a contract, I hadn't re-upped in years and finally decided to stream. Called them, and those fuck sticks said I was still under contract....no...that's bull shit, and I have all records and copies of contracts I've signed saved in my email. After some him hawing around, this lady finally figured out I was right. They tried to say because of a service call a year ago, it constituted as another contract and that if I cancelled I was out an early termination fee for 12 months. No, I did not sign anything at that service call...piss off. This hassle went on for about a half hour. Luckily, the customer service lady didn't suck ass, was on hold multiple times, and this lady knew I was right and should couldn't find shit.

Finally, after about an hour, some lady got on the phone that sounded like she wanted to blow me, a "Senior Resolution Analyst" Basically was ready to give me whatever I want besides a ZJ over the phone...but....wait lady...what about this contract...."Um...there's no record and your last contract was signed 3 years ago." AHA. You fuckers tried to rail me in the ass. Bunch of swindling fucks. Cancel my service, right meow. And with that, I was done with DISH.

TLDR; Big Co Dish tried to fuck me, they didn't, the end. Sorry for hijacking the meme thread.


Heisman Winner
Elite Member


Elite Member
Big Companies that have a strangle hold on the market suck ass. The more competition the better.

Very happy that streaming came about because satellite/cable were fuck buckets, and DISH was the #1 culprit for me.

Was with Dish for a number of years, and I knew I didn't have a contract, I hadn't re-upped in years and finally decided to stream. Called them, and those fuck sticks said I was still under contract....no...that's bull shit, and I have all records and copies of contracts I've signed saved in my email. After some him hawing around, this lady finally figured out I was right. They tried to say because of a service call a year ago, it constituted as another contract and that if I cancelled I was out an early termination fee for 12 months. No, I did not sign anything at that service call...piss off. This hassle went on for about a half hour. Luckily, the customer service lady didn't suck ass, was on hold multiple times, and this lady knew I was right and should couldn't find shit.

Finally, after about an hour, some lady got on the phone that sounded like she wanted to blow me, a "Senior Resolution Analyst" Basically was ready to give me whatever I want besides a ZJ over the phone...but....wait lady...what about this contract...."Um...there's no record and your last contract was signed 3 years ago." AHA. You fuckers tried to rail me in the ass. Bunch of swindling fucks. Cancel my service, right meow. And with that, I was done with DISH.

TLDR; Big Co Dish tried to fuck me, they didn't, the end. Sorry for hijacking the meme thread.
Dish sucks ass. They are well known in the industry for being extremely difficult to work with.

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