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RSS Chat

Do you think we’ll play this weekend?? 😅

sean, nate and robin don't know dinky shit about what's going on inside the program. they don't know more than me and all i have is high speed internet and a twitter account.
And a sweet short game.
Seems like all 3 are really being snarky with their responses today too.

Thats all the Rivals network is anymore - minimal reporting and staffs that pander to their audiences trying to be witty and cute in what seems like more and more of a cry for some sort of validation.
...is a joke.
Deab doesn't even try to answer questions with any sort of legitimate answer other than his typical bumbling remarks. It's like a bad version of coach speak trying to cover up for not knowing a thing.
I mean look at this shit. He didn't even attempt to answer the guys question. Just some moronic captain obvious response that shows no effort at all.
My favorite stuff from the chats is usually the behind the scenes stories they have about Bo/Callahan/Reilly or players. I don't usually bag too much on them, but Nate has really been struggling lately to bring some useful information. At least Robin is funny sometimes and has some basketball info.

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