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OT: Site Glitches


Elite Member
My dark mode just turned off and then this screen showed up when I tried to switch it back?

Screen Shot 2020-11-17 at 5.01.39 PM.png
Mine auto-switched to light today. Then I switched it back.
@HuskerGarrett I'm getting the same page when I use the search function

Hmm, what are you trying to search for? It just says "you need to be an upgraded member" for every error right now. Could you possibly be typing your search term in to the username search bar on accident?
Hmm, what are you trying to search for? It just says "you need to be an upgraded member" for every error right now. Could you possibly be typing your search term in to the username search bar on accident?

I figured it out. It wasn't finding a result because there aren't any. The "you need to be an upgraded member" just threw me I guess.

Screen Shot 2020-11-18 at 2.34.39 PM.png

I figured it out. It wasn't finding a result because there aren't any. The "you need to be an upgraded member" just threw me I guess.

View attachment 749
Yeah I need to change that. I made it say that so that when non-upgraded members click on the Elite forum they know why they can't see anything, but I didn't know it would change it to that literally everywhere there is ever an error haha
Yeah I need to change that. I made it say that so that when non-upgraded members click on the Elite forum they know why they can't see anything, but I didn't know it would change it to that literally everywhere there is ever an error haha
I need to try an additional search term or read the actual error message before tagging the MODS lol
It should say "Sorry! We ran into some problems." now. That should make more sense haha
Yeah I need to change that. I made it say that so that when non-upgraded members click on the Elite forum they know why they can't see anything, but I didn't know it would change it to that literally everywhere there is ever an error haha
Its almost like you've never run a message board before. Amateur.

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