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Need more life advice


I posted for advice on turning 30 and got some really good responses. So, it’s time for more advice from the biggest dicks in the galaxy. My wife and I are expecting our first in March. Any advice would be appreciated!
Way to go!!!
Enjoy every single second of all of it.
Don’t take even a moment for granted.
Snuggle the shit out of it. Smell it’s hair.
take pictures but more videos.
Be AROUND as much as possible. Just around. My two grown boys noticed and have appreciated it.

Make time for the fellas twice a month. Pussy should be there if you respect your wife. GBR.
I suppose it's too late to suggest Condoms, eh?

Other than CONGRATS...I got nuthin'

But Congrats, I hope for a happy and healthy pregnancy and new baby!
I posted for advice on turning 30 and got some really good responses. So, it’s time for more advice from the biggest dicks in the galaxy. My wife and I are expecting our first in March. Any advice would be appreciated!
Start working on the other one right away. It’s good for kids to beat on each other. Also pray your kid sleeps decent through the night. We had it both ways. It makes life a lot better if he or she likes to sleep.
I posted for advice on turning 30 and got some really good responses. So, it’s time for more advice from the biggest dicks in the galaxy. My wife and I are expecting our first in March. Any advice would be appreciated!
Grats on the sex
Congrats! I have two little girls (4 and 1) and love every second of it.

When do you find out what you are having? I love my girls, but man, they are spit fires.

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