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MNF - whining, whirring noise


Board Chairman - TPB, LLC
Elite Member
Anyone else notice the whining/whirring noises the last couple years in the background of the MNF broadcasts? It's borderline maddening. My son came downstairs last week during MNF -- after about 5 minutes of being in the other room asked what the whining noise was. When he realized it was coming from the TV he said, how can you watch that?

I don't understand how they wouldn't have major complaints. I never notice it in any other football games - college or pro. Just MNF. Weird.
HA HA! This happened to me once! Friend text me asking if I could hear Nick Faldo breathing through his nose into the mic? Watching golf has never been the same.
It's like tinnitus. Early on wife would ask me on a fairly regular basis how the ringing was. Finally I snapped "Well it starts ringing like a mother fucker every time you ask about it. Other than that it's not bad."

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