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Listening to Whipple... (1 Viewer)


Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Talking about the kids being up tight because of the expectations they've put on themselves. There was a "lull" in practice where the kids were getting on to each other. And him telling them they are going to make mistakes but how do they deal with that adversity?

Also said the one bad day they had in camp looked better when they watched it on film. Sounds like he's pretty pleased so far.

Something I feel like the offense hasn't done well in the Frost era is bounce back. A mistake is made and they've let it pile up. Appreciated that insight into practice.


Elite Member
Greg McDermott's plantation
I'm not sure how I feel about this. There is a mental block in the program it seems.
This. Interesting that Whipple picked up on it so quickly.

ALSO interesting to note how this "shit my pants" trait gets passed down to new players, who otherwise should have no concern for this whatsoever. But we could recruit a kid from Mars who had no concept of Nebraska and I swear, one month in the program he'd be shitting his pants putting too much pressure on himself.

This trait has been present in our program since about midway through the Pelini era and we can't seem to shake it. We bring in completely new players and it is still there. It's like that Seinfeld episode where he has the smelly car and he can't get the smell to go away. He washed the car it's still there. Showers and it's still there. Buys new clothes it's still there. Then he ends up giving the car to a homeless dude.


Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
if our boys are to “up tight” that’s when the scarlet girls come into play gbr! You know it ( . ) ( . )
I’m pretty sure that’s why Corch spends his Friday nights at Gate 25. We just need to send the boys there for the team meal and that (along with some other Gate 25 action) outta calm their nerves

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