I've heard quite a few interesting names for them:
- Frosticles
- Frosted Flakes
- Frosted Cupcakes
Bottom line for me is I root for the team. If we are winning and looking like a well coached team then I support the coach. If we are losing and looking like a poorly coached team then I want the coach replaced. It is concerning that some fans can't separate the player Scott Frost from the Coach Scott Frost. Business is business and the last 4 years we have had a poorly run business.
I've owned businesses and literally had to fire one of my best friends who I hired to run one area of our business. He couldn't handle the stress or the long hours, was too much for him. Great friend but ultimately not a good fit for my business, and he understood plus respected the decision. My brother had to lay me off from a business when there were labor cuts. I wasn't mad or butt hurt as I should have been doing a better job and not his fault we lost some contracts. It happens, if you aren't getting the job done then bring in someone who can get it done. Keep the strongest pieces.
Hopefully the addition of Joseph, Busch, Whip & Applewhite will give us that boost on offense, special teams, player development and recruiting that we have been missing. Would love nothing better than to see them help lead us to a B1G West Championship this season.