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ITT we tell someone to bring back an old avatar

i cant remember if i had dexter or spurrier during 2019 florida miami game. i had spurrier in N polo otmb . how have the scrolls been? been off since december
There's no old avatars on RSS that really stick out for me. I do remember when a handful of posters all changed theirs to Oldred's cat.

Good times
That's actually pretty funny. The only time I changed mine was when s.lattimer got @bant. I changed mine for 2 weeks as a protest, as did a number of other Scrollers.
Lee, I gotta tell ya... I prefer your tMB avatar. In fact, I can't even tell what this one is supposed to be. Is it commemorative of your RSS POTY victory?
They axed my tMB avatar when they started putting the hammer down over there.

this avatar is dean’s head on John Daly’s body at 95 Open at St. Andrews.

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