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If I’m Dylan

Back in the day ... when Bomber, myself and others would joke about "we've been discussing this for a while over on the Platinum Board", one aspect of the standing gag was a referral to the "membership committee" (I'm proud to say Bomber referred to me as the Chairman of said fictional committee).

Perhaps with the perfect clarity that comes from hindsight, it wasn't such a bad idea after all. The notion of a trial period (view only until you see how the adults in the room behave) was bandied about earlier when this notion was raised in direct response to a few potato slingers who shall remain unnamed for civility purposes only (IYKYK).

With all of THAT said, some of you definitely lifted up your skirts and showed us your landing strip after the loss on Friday night. JFC, give it 24 hours before the alcohol processes out of your systems and you've had time to THINK about what you want to say before sharing it with the board. I'm embarrassed for some of y'all. IRL, if I were the membership chair, I'd put a few of you on ...

animal house dean GIF
Friday night some of the posts shocked me. I had to double check that I was on the right board.

This board has always been the more level headed site. Friday night there were definitely a few uncharacteristically crazy posts. They reminded me why I stayed off RSS after a loss.
Friday night some of the posts shocked me. I had to double check that I was on the right board.

This board has always been the more level headed site. Friday night there were definitely a few uncharacteristically crazy posts. They reminded me why I stayed off RSS after a loss.

It's PTSD from a decade + of losing games in the same exact awful manner. What must be a record in futility of incredible brain-dead losses for what used to be an absolute powerhouse program.

It was just one loss, but the way they folded tents and went turrle mode yet again in the 4th and OT got lots of peoples feathers ruffled. The loss sucked, a lot. IMO (and I have mentioned this before numerous times), this is all about confidence and truly believing you can win. This team/program has the losers syndrome of expecting losses.

They want to win, but there is a lot of history of losing now, and also the pressure of trying to right the ship and get at least somewhat back to the program we were. Most of these kids playing now were barely even born when we were still a top 10 team. The fanbase expects wins, has followed very strongly despite the massive amount of horrible losses for 10+ years, and that is extra pressure, too.

Only way to get that monkey off their backs is to simply not accept losing like this. Every team loses sometimes, but this program has long accepted losing. That needs to change.
It's PTSD from a decade + of losing games in the same exact awful manner. What must be a record in futility of incredible brain-dead losses for what used to be an absolute powerhouse program.

It was just one loss, but the way they folded tents and went turrle mode yet again in the 4th and OT got lots of peoples feathers ruffled. The loss sucked, a lot. IMO (and I have mentioned this before numerous times), this is all about confidence and truly believing you can win. This team/program has the losers syndrome of expecting losses.

They want to win, but there is a lot of history of losing now, and also the pressure of trying to right the ship and get at least somewhat back to the program we were. Most of these kids playing now were barely even born when we were still a top 10 team. The fanbase expects wins, has followed very strongly despite the massive amount of horrible losses for 10+ years, and that is extra pressure, too.

Only way to get that monkey off their backs is to simply not accept losing like this. Every team loses sometimes, but this program has long accepted losing. That needs to change.
We've become accustomed to losing and until we break that trend, it's going to happen in this fashion time and time again. BUT...this team does finally seem to be learning how to win so I think we are getting closer
We've become accustomed to losing and until we break that trend, it's going to happen in this fashion time and time again. BUT...this team does finally seem to be learning how to win so I think we are getting closer
red, only thing I’m accustomed to losing is my bowels in the middle of the public UHHHHH SSHIITTTT
Most of these kids playing now were barely even born when we were still a top 10 team.
Wanna know something fucked up? Our players are now firmly in "haven't been alive while NU was really good" territory.

Dylan Raiola was born in 2005... NU has been ranked in the top 10 a grand total of 16 weeks in his entire life, obviously none of which stuck for very long, and most recently during the Mike Riley era when Raiola was 11 years old.

They are genuinely having to build a winning program/mentality from scratch, but with the gigantic weight of history and expectations and beleaguered fans on their shoulders. It's a tough task! I think if anyone can pull off the mental part of it all, it's gonna be Rhule.

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