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How can TT only be every other week now?

They barely have any relevant information to complete a TT every two weeks as it stands. I would rather them do away with it and add a chat on Wednesdays. They wouldn’t have to hold back what information they do have.

I also think one of the chats should be done in the evening. They are missing the boat on including a large portion of their subscribers who actually have to work and can’t participate.
We're being lied to, friends and I, for one, am fed up.

Dean doesn’t want to do any work. He realized how nice he had it with Covid with nothing going on and that attitude has remained. I’m seriously thinking about cancelling.
Didn't fall camp start? Do they not have any camp nuggets? At the very least post some message board musings from the Texas and OU sites after last week...something. God forbid the mods actually work.
Shit, at least we get it 8 weeks in a row.
Dean doesn’t want to do any work. He realized how nice he had it with Covid with nothing going on and that attitude has remained. I’m seriously thinking about cancelling.
The dipshit couldn't even recognize or check that a picture of a fucking punter wasn't Ty fucking Robinson, who is a mammoth of a human being. He's lazy as fuck. @faux Sean Callahan Get your shit together.
The dipshit couldn't even recognize or check that a picture of a fucking punter wasn't Ty fucking Robinson, who is a mammoth of a human being. He's lazy as fuck. @faux Sean Callahan Get your shit together.

I called him out on it...and he replied with "Have you seen Ty Robinson lately?" Uh yeah I have...he's not the fvcking punter!

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