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Hangover Cure


Run The Damn Ball
Elite Member
Help TPB. I drink entirely too much last night hanging out with neighborhood friends (no regrets) and I am hungover like a motherfucker right now. My son has a goddamn soccer game at 9am and it’s just adding to my misery.

I need your hangover cure that doesn’t involve hair of the dog.
The only thing that ever works for me is when I wake up pound some Gatorade, ibuprofen, omeprazole then go back to bed for an hour. Prayers cent.
back in my music industry days bands use to request Pedialyte. And it works. I get the Pedialyte packets that you can mix with water. If I know I am going big I will drink one that night, kinda pre-game. Or right before bed. They do wonders. Also varieties of Vitamin B can really help.
Help TPB. I drink entirely too much last night hanging out with neighborhood friends (no regrets) and I am hungover like a motherfucker right now. My son has a goddamn soccer game at 9am and it’s just adding to my misery.

I need your hangover cure that doesn’t involve hair of the dog.
I know this doesn’t work now, but I would never get a hangover when I ate some greasy food right after I got home from the bar. The next morning was always better. I always felt much worse when I didn’t. Once in awhile sneaking a water or two in when drinking also helped. Having said that you’re fucked.

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