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Girl dads, unite!


Elite Member
I've learned that having a son as my oldest gave me a false sense of how difficult parenting really is. Now I've got two daughters also and the oldest is at the age where she's starting to get into dance and girly things, albeit she's still a huge tom boy too.

My biggest issue lately is her hair. She's always wanting me to do her hair, which I usually do in a braid or pony tail. But now she's asking for different things. What's some easy ones you guys have learned?
Let my wife do it.
This, my wife does their hair. I can attempt to put their hair in some shitty pony tail, but that's about it. I'm pretty useless in that regard.

But we play the shit out of board games, and my youngest daughter loves to play war and giggles with glee when she beats me. I try to make up for my uselessness in the girly department and make up for instilling that competitive drive.
If I can get a good looking pony tail, I put my hands up in the air and celebrate that W. Aint shit else happening with me and that hair.

To piggy back this thread, trying to potty train 100%. She gets it, knows and understands it, but think it's funny to pee her pants, and quite frankly sometimes doesn't seem to care that she pees her pants, but cares after the fact for obvious reasons. Any tips? I'm pretty good at the simple tough love thing, but obviously that's not 100% bullet proof.
If I can get a good looking pony tail, I put my hands up in the air and celebrate that W. Aint shit else happening with me and that hair.

To piggy back this thread, trying to potty train 100%. She gets it, knows and understands it, but think it's funny to pee her pants, and quite frankly sometimes doesn't seem to care that she pees her pants, but cares after the fact for obvious reasons. Any tips? I'm pretty good at the simple tough love thing, but obviously that's not 100% bullet proof.
This girl gets it.

My daughter turns one next week. She only just now has enough hair that we can put a clippy bow in it so people don't assume she's a boy. I'll let you know what works in a few years.
Doing a high top bun is really easy for girls hair, I do it for all of my nieces. It’s probably easier than a ponytail.
I’m shocked that OP said the word braid. No chance I could pull that off. Pony tail, bun, or headband are the only options.
Let my wife do it.

This x 100... Of course, it has its drawbacks because then I went from having to pay for 1 woman, all of her hair care products, and appointments to three females with all of their hair care products and appointments... Thank God one is out of the house and making good money and the other is close... 🙂

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