Alright this troll has me worked up.
- Maurice Washington issue, while not great, was dealing with a 17 year old girl when he was 19. That context is never provided. He also didn't record the video. Doesn't excuse it but the issue is usually portrayed in media as being worse than it was imo. Somehow Maurice caught more heat than, you know, the guy in the video. Ass backwards.
- Ron Brown saying homosexuality is a sin isn't homophobia, unless words just don't mean anything anymore. It's a religious belief, and in no way a "phobia". He shouldn't have used his capacity as a university employee to further his beliefs (like when he signed his name/address as the location of memorial stadium on some letter to the governor) but he is allowed to have religious beliefs and even to share those beliefs with others, as all Americans are.
- Fans saying players kneeling during the national anthem should be lynched? I've never heard this story, but even if it's true, we have hundreds of thousands of fans, very very few said anything resembling this. Gather any group of hundreds of thousands of people together and you will have idiots. The difference is it's generally accepted that large groups don't have to answer for these idiots, because they don't come even close to representing the group as a whole. Not sure why we're having to answer for this extremely small minority of fans.
What a joke.