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Farts (1 Viewer)

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
The worst place/situation you've ever let one rip in, not knowing it was going to smell terrible, and thought it would be okay?

Just held in a thick fart at work. Got me thinking about the question above. I have IBS so I hold in farts really most of the day and it sucks.

Top 2 for me:

1. Wife and I's anniversary last September. KC hotel room. Bout to get it on. Crawled in bed, felt one moving down, stalled for a minute by acting like I thought I saw a text. Let it rip, horrible idea. Stank, didn't think it would. She wasn't pleased. Still got it on.

2. At work some 5 years ago now. Really bad gas one day, didn't realize how bad. Let a few rip. They were silent but had some volume to them. Tried to play it cool but people definitely noticed. I got called out. Super awkward situation. Have held most in ever since.


Elite Member
I let one rip I Homers about 30 years ago that could have peeled paint off the walls.
The funny thing is it didn’t smell like a fart at all. I can’t really put a name to the smell, but super strong onions is the closest I can get.

I remember a guy looking around - attempting to identify the smell. He appeared very interested in what it was he was smelling. I’m sure he had never smelled anything like that either and was intrigued.

I was mesmerized by it.
Thirty years later...
I’ll never forget it.


5 Star Punter
Elite Member
Farting on a metal folding chair that echoed it loudly in church at youth group in high school was probably the most embarrassing.

Most memorable was when I was just starting to date my now-wife, we went on a jog together. No way to hold it in when you're doing that, and I let one out with each step for about 20 paces or so. She's never let me forget that.

Best fart situations are lifting a leg and blowing out a loud one in front of the kids & having them laugh uproariously.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
I don't ever hold them in.

Once your wife has heard/smelled one the facade is over. Ripped one in bed last night alone that has me considering seeing an oncologist.
I really only hold them in at work or unless I know it's going to be atrocious. I let em fly other than that. My wife is well aware and I aint tryin to impress anyone anymore

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Farting on a metal folding chair that echoed it loudly in church at youth group in high school was probably the most embarrassing.

Most memorable was when I was just starting to date my now-wife, we went on a jog together. No way to hold it in when you're doing that, and I let one out with each step for about 20 paces or so. She's never let me forget that.

Best fart situations are lifting a leg and blowing out a loud one in front of the kids & having them laugh uproariously.
So my IBS situation, for some odd reason, makes my gas pretty bad in the evenings/night time about 90% of the time. Sometimes I'll fart at home with my daughter near me, whose 2 and a few months now, and will go "daddy, you poop?" lol makes me laugh


Elite Member
The Simulation
Ohhh about 14 years old. Downstairs playing videogames or something, get up my mom wanted me to vacuum or something so I get up start to run up the stairs and right when I hit that first stair I lift my leg up and boom I shart, it was so much shart it flew out of my shorts and onto the carpet a big brown butt loogie, not an actual turd.


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Letting them rip at work and watching people walk through them and hit that wall of stink always makes me laugh.


Der Viener Schlinger
Elite Member
When I was a kid, Dad took me to the old country buffet before a stars game. Got loaded on meatloaf and ham. We had a spot near the front row, and the game was fairly well attended, but still enough spots that you could move around if you wanted. During the pregame introductions I could feel the meat inside me turning. By the end of the first period I was shooting off heaters every five minutes or so. The type that seem more dense than air so they just sit and linger. By the time the first period was over all of the people sitting in the five rows behind us had moved.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
We’re leaving our Air BnB in a few minutes.
I’m on the toilet right now - destroying it.

I’m about to holler to my girls to make sure they brush their teeth before we leave. I’m looking at the toothbrushes right now.

Went to Kearney last weekend with my wife, daughter, and her parents, that new hotel/pool deal. Hung out in my laws room on Friday night for a few hours, dropped some serious bombs while in there. Pretty sure I heard my father in law let some squeak too so it's all good lol

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Letting them rip at work and watching people walk through them and hit that wall of stink always makes me laugh.
When I did it, it was probably a half hour worth of deep farts that came out about every 90 seconds or so.

Turn Down for What

Running Back
Elite Member
So my IBS situation, for some odd reason, makes my gas pretty bad in the evenings/night time about 90% of the time. Sometimes I'll fart at home with my daughter near me, whose 2 and a few months now, and will go "daddy, you poop?" lol makes me laugh

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