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Did Clouse get #processed?


Offensive Lineman
He's not in chat and from what I can tell hasn't written an article or a sticky post in some time. Dean ran the chat himself and only mentions he forgot to "text" Robin to join. No mention of Nate.
Was he on the podcast this week?
Yes. The three of them were together in studio for the first time in a while, and Nate did a recruiting segement.

Still, it is hard to decide whether what we're seeing is just a consequence of Clouse having Covid and a super-slow recruiting cycle or if there's something else going on behind the scenes. He's definitely much less present than all of the TOS guys.
Yes. The three of them were together in studio for the first time in a while, and Nate did a recruiting segement.

Still, it is hard to decide whether what we're seeing is just a consequence of Clouse having Covid and a super-slow recruiting cycle or if there's something else going on behind the scenes. He's definitely much less present than all of the TOS guys.
It’s kind of weird because those guys have been getting so much shit the last handful of months that I think they’ve basically gone deaf and blind to that noise (the obvious exception being Dean who just can’t let it go). People have really spoken up about Nate basically doing nothing, and it hasn’t triggered any uptick in activity from him that’s been noticeable.
Perhaps Dean is taking the Scott Frost approach and processing Nate as Scott did Walters and Dewitt. Expect a announcement soon that Nate is now a full time professional baseball card trader guy.
It’s kind of weird because those guys have been getting so much shit the last handful of months that I think they’ve basically gone deaf and blind to that noise (the obvious exception being Dean who just can’t let it go). People have really spoken up about Nate basically doing nothing, and it hasn’t triggered any uptick in activity from him that’s been noticeable.
Totally agree. If I gave a shit about my gig and saw people saying that, it'd be really hard not to respond in some way: increased output, an explanation, etc. Instead, nothing.
As God Mod you are required to DM it to me.

And then as God Mod, you're required to share with the masses on the TPB.

I'd say required to share on Platinum elite, but since that went bye, bye sharing it with the whole board is the only option.

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