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Coach Held for KU

Those turds should have gave Turner Gill more time
Hell no. Turner was a complete train wreck. I have friends who had kids playing for him. And I know Asst Coaches that were on his staff. It was a mess from Day 1. His Christian Values got thrust onto the players and the coaches. No women in their rooms after 10:30, limited cell phone usage,........ no drinking during the season including the coaches. That's the funniest one as he announced all of his rules at the first team meeting and caught the coaches off guard with the "No Drinking" during the season speech. OC Chuck Long heard the speech of "No Drinking" during the season even for coaches and leaned over to one of the other coaches and whispered "Looks like I'm gone". The other coaches had to do everything the could not to laugh out loud.

Many KU Insiders felt that Turner set back the KU Football program further than any other recent coach. They have had a worse run of coaches than us, which is hard to fathom. And they feel Turner was the worst. Some people just aren't cut out to be Power5 Head Coaches. Behind the scenes Turner wasn't exactly a Workaholic. Lots of time dedicated to family and religion. Nobody compared his work ethic or dedication to football to a Bill Snyder or Nick Saban. Mangino may have been an asshole with an anger issue and a Wife Beater but he put in some serious hours towards football.
Hell no. Turner was a complete train wreck. I have friends who had kids playing for him. And I know Asst Coaches that were on his staff. It was a mess from Day 1. His Christian Values got thrust onto the players and the coaches. No women in their rooms after 10:30, limited cell phone usage,........ no drinking during the season including the coaches. That's the funniest one as he announced all of his rules at the first team meeting and caught the coaches off guard with the "No Drinking" during the season speech. OC Chuck Long heard the speech of "No Drinking" during the season even for coaches and leaned over to one of the other coaches and whispered "Looks like I'm gone". The other coaches had to do everything the could not to laugh out loud.

Many KU Insiders felt that Turner set back the KU Football program further than any other recent coach. They have had a worse run of coaches than us, which is hard to fathom. And they feel Turner was the worst. Some people just aren't cut out to be Power5 Head Coaches. Behind the scenes Turner wasn't exactly a Workaholic. Lots of time dedicated to family and religion. Nobody compared his work ethic or dedication to football to a Bill Snyder or Nick Saban. Mangino may have been an asshole with an anger issue and a Wife Beater but he put in some serious hours towards football.
So a guy who beats his wife vs. a guy who sets a curfew for players and says no drinking? Lol , all im saying is Turner has had success everywhere he’s been other than Ku
So a guy who beats his wife vs. a guy who sets a curfew for players and says no drinking? Lol , all im saying is Turner has had success everywhere he’s been other than Ku
I threw in the Wife Beater part to head off any mention that they should have kept Mangino. As that seems to be a big topic of conversation. Mangino lived 2 houses down from Lew Perkins, the AD for Kansas. So when the police were repeatedly seen in front of Mangino's house it was right in front of Lew's face. They tried getting Mangino help with his anger issues and overeating but he didn't give a shit. KU did a good job of keeping that wife beating information out of the press. Perkins hated working with Mangino plus was embarrassed how he was obese and the face of KU football. Lew himself had a serious weight issue and had Lap Band Surgery.

I respect Turner as a person but he just didn't have the mindset necessary to run a competitive Power5 Program. He has had success at Buffalo and Liberty which is a different animal. KU's recruiting really suffered too under his leadership. Lots of "Diamonds in the Rough" type players that were headed to MAC or worse schools. It's hard to recruit players who are not Christian to a public university when you impose your Christian values. It was just a terrible match, and the KU Administration realized that quite quickly. Turner just wasn't the right kind of coach for that level of competition and necessary commitment. There is a reason none of the bigger conference schools have pursued hiring him. Liberty seems like the perfect fit for him, especially if he wants to preach religious beliefs to players.

This morning I pinged my brother who worked for the KU Athletic Department and mentioned that Turner Gill was available. I'm not gonna type out his response but let's just say it was laced with quite a bit pf profanity, haha
I threw in the Wife Beater part to head off any mention that they should have kept Mangino. As that seems to be a big topic of conversation. Mangino lived 2 houses down from Lew Perkins, the AD for Kansas. So when the police were repeatedly seen in front of Mangino's house it was right in front of Lew's face. They tried getting Mangino help with his anger issues and overeating but he didn't give a shit. KU did a good job of keeping that wife beating information out of the press. Perkins hated working with Mangino plus was embarrassed how he was obese and the face of KU football. Lew himself had a serious weight issue and had Lap Band Surgery.

I respect Turner as a person but he just didn't have the mindset necessary to run a competitive Power5 Program. He has had success at Buffalo and Liberty which is a different animal. KU's recruiting really suffered too under his leadership. Lots of "Diamonds in the Rough" type players that were headed to MAC or worse schools. It's hard to recruit players who are not Christian to a public university when you impose your Christian values. It was just a terrible match, and the KU Administration realized that quite quickly. Turner just wasn't the right kind of coach for that level of competition and necessary commitment. There is a reason none of the bigger conference schools have pursued hiring him. Liberty seems like the perfect fit for him, especially if he wants to preach religious beliefs to players.

This morning I pinged my brother who worked for the KU Athletic Department and mentioned that Turner Gill was available. I'm not gonna type out his response but let's just say it was laced with quite a bit pf profanity, haha
I’m surprised Mangino hasn’t croaked yet. He’s 65 now and is still obese as hell
Our qbs sure sucked when he coached them here
He coached at a few other places...I also assumed we were talking about head coaching, since it's quite clear his wheelhouse is as an assistant coach.

I do think his work with Buffalo was a success. Liberty was middling. With both, he had a clear trend of peaking in Year 3 with (relative) success, but then regressed.
What's he up to these days?

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