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Chat 11/10

To be fair to Nate, there's only one person with a definitive answer to that question. It's obviously fair game to speculate, however.
@Johannes de Silentio your thoughts on Clouse’s answer to this recruiting question...

“3. Nothing really new on either one of Ho'ohui or Simmons. As of today...I'm not holding my breathe for either one of them. However, I also think those are two prospects that things could quickly change with too. I look at both of them as players I'm not necessarily expecting to be in this class, but players I also wouldn't be completely shocked by seeing them end up at NU....if that makes any sense haha. You could call them wildcards at this point I suppose.”
@Johannes de Silentio your thoughts on Clouse’s answer to this recruiting question...

“3. Nothing really new on either one of Ho'ohui or Simmons. As of today...I'm not holding my breathe for either one of them. However, I also think those are two prospects that things could quickly change with too. I look at both of them as players I'm not necessarily expecting to be in this class, but players I also wouldn't be completely shocked by seeing them end up at NU....if that makes any sense haha. You could call them wildcards at this point I suppose.”
Not JDS but this isn’t the work of a professional journalist.
@Johannes de Silentio your thoughts on Clouse’s answer to this recruiting question...

“3. Nothing really new on either one of Ho'ohui or Simmons. As of today...I'm not holding my breathe for either one of them. However, I also think those are two prospects that things could quickly change with too. I look at both of them as players I'm not necessarily expecting to be in this class, but players I also wouldn't be completely shocked by seeing them end up at NU....if that makes any sense haha. You could call them wildcards at this point I suppose.”
Definitely a high-level Clouse mealy-mouthed answer. My word.

Not JDS but this isn’t the work of a professional journalist.
Yup. Of course, none of the guys over there are going to be asked to teach a sports journalism class anywhere with the possible exception of Dean doing something at UNL so its students can continue to populate the increasingly mediocre HOL internship program (that Blake kid fucking sucks). Even with that baseline, Clouse has always been the least professional of them. In a way, that makes sense. I don't think he went to school for it like Sean and Robin did. He was a recruiting guy. Well, that's fine--unless and until the recruiting information he brings essentially dries up...
Honestly the only thing I pay for anymore is reading Dean's responses when he gets his panties in a bunch. Totally worth $9.99/month.

The chat has become tits on a boar. They have goose egg as far as recruiting information. No new nuggets about the program. Robin may get some morsels of info for bball...but that's it.

It's a dogshit product. Dean knows it's a dogshit product. He can't say that publicly...so the only thing he can do is get hyper-defensive.

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