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Boys, this recruiting video is something...

Fuck me dead. I would legitimately rescind his scholly. You're looking at about a 50% hit rate on 5-star guys playing like 5-star guys, and I'd say that a guy who's self-absorbed enough to crank out this type of hogshit would be one I wouldn't take the chance on bringing into the locker room.
He committed to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
He committed to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

A local trailer park and self-storage facility magnate has put up a custom "election" signs that say "Jesus Christ 2020: The Only Choice."

Good on the dude in that video for making the right call.
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So...who the fuck did he commit to? Dafuq is wrong with people
Duh! 7.
They are an interstellar medieval mystical football team. I think they are in the same conference as Hogwartz.

I’m truly speechless after having watched that. If that were my son and he asked me to act in this video he would be grounded for 3 months from playing any video games and I would take away his dungeon and dragons paraphernalia. Sheesh. I would probably kick him out of the house too.

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