Alright, so my employer required us to wear suits when on the road. Suit and tie, no matter what. This was really early in my career and I was scraping the bottom of the barrel and basically calling on heavy equipment junkyards. This particular trip, I had my manager with me and we happened to get an upgrade from National and we got a black Suburban. So two guys in suits driving a black suburban.
We left BG, I don't remember the name of the town, but it was northwest of there about 45 mins. Had never been there, didn't know what we were getting into. This place is like 20 minutes outside of town, and about 10 minutes off the 2 lane highway. If you're familiar not familiar with the area, the topography is like abrupt, rolling hills. To get to their place we had to drive through a thick ass forest, one lane asphalt road. A few super run down houses/trailers a ways off the road. So we get up there and there's a big clearing with old, shitty heavy equipment all over the place, cars, 4 wheelers, trailers, you name it they had it and it looked like it'd been left there 30 years ago and never touched. Only sign of life was a TV playing super loud at the house on one side the street and a fire burning on the other side near what used to be a house. I knock on the door where the noise was coming from, no answer. Just a screen door so I could see inside. Ever seen Hoarders? They wouldn't touch this place. Smelled horrible.
There's another shell of a house across the street, go over there, turns out there's a shop over there as well. We pull in and I swear it was like when you turn on the lights and there's 10 mice in the room and you only see their tails before they hide, pretty sure you saw something move but not really sure. So we get out, kinda start looking around trying to see if there's anybody there. One guy comes around the corner inside the shop and looks super fucking rough. Looks like he's 50, maybe 8 teeth. Dirty as fuck. Smelly. Just nasty.
He approaches us with a shotgun, ready to fucking roll. We are freaked the fuck out, obviously. Neither of us had ever been there and had never talked to them. Coldest of cold calls. All we had was a name. He asks us who we're looking for, tell him the name, turns out it's his dad. He asks us what business we have with his daddy in a super aggressive way while also holding a shotgun. We tell him who we are, and why we are there. As soon as we do that, HUGE smile on his face. Demeanor immediately changed. 'DADDY IT'S * business name * HERE TO SEE YOU!!!!!' and I shit you not 10 guys aging from like 14 to 60 came crawling out of that damn shop, all armed and ready to fucking roll until we showed his Daddy business cards and stuff. They all were as rough and gruff as the guy we originally talked to. It was surreal.
So as it turns out, the guy's brother had some run in with the law in the last few months. The head of the local law enforcement and other local govt had a long standing feud with the dad and there was some fuckery going on with how they were handling the son and the circumstances surrounding the arrest and the charges. From what I gathered, the locals threatened to lock them all up and said they'd bring in the feds if they had to. That was about a week before we arrived. They decided they weren't going down without a fight. So they were ready. They had lookouts. They knew we were coming as soon as we turned off the highway. They got a call that 2 guys wearing suits in a black suburban were headed their way. The whole situation still blows my mind to this day.
And no, they didn't do any business with me. I never went back there. And their story was confirmed by other customers in the area. Head of the law enforcement and dad have a long standing feud. He partnered up with others in the local govt chalked up to zoning issues or something along those lines to run them out of the area.