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Bo is available

Hopefully Shawn Eichorst can find a spot for him
Man how cool would it be to watch the battles between Frost and Bo if they were on the same staff. I'd want a big ole tub of buttery popcorn cuz you know those 2 would just lock horns for hours. No chance either one of them would ever admit they were wrong. Might be a fight to the death.
Man how cool would it be to watch the battles between Frost and Bo if they were on the same staff. I'd want a big ole tub of buttery popcorn cuz you know those 2 would just lock horns for hours. No chance either one of them would ever admit they were wrong. Might be a fight to the death.
Frost plays the blame game more than Bo ever did. Bo didn’t blame media timeouts or clapping for his problems. He also didn’t blame the prior staff. Bo was a paranoid hothead during his time here.
Frost plays the blame game more than Bo ever did. Bo didn’t blame media timeouts or clapping for his problems. He also didn’t blame the prior staff. Bo was a paranoid hothead during his time here.

That's because bo only points the thumb.

For all the scathing browbeatings bo gave officials, since there were fans in the stands back then I've clearly heard Scott say motherfucker on live tv more than I ever did bo. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
That's because bo only points the thumb.

For all the scathing browbeatings bo gave officials, since there were fans in the stands back then I've clearly heard Scott say motherfucker on live tv more than I ever did bo. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
There’s no way this is true , or you weren’t listening lol maybe just cuz in 2020 mic picks up more sound on the field I guess.... but I was on the sidelines during Bo there was plenty MF’ers to go around 😂
There’s no way this is true , or you weren’t listening lol maybe just cuz in 2020 mic picks up more sound on the field I guess.... but I was on the sidelines during Bo there was plenty MF’ers to go around 😂

I believe you. I just couldn't hear it on TV due to the crowd noise.

Also, you couldn't really read the lips because there was so much spit flying out when all those MFer's came out of Bo's mouth.

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