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10 Starters back on defense in 2021.

Dismuke and Williams strike me as guys who would struggle to get picked up on a practice squad if they went pro this season, especially Williams. If they come back and have a full season, and the defense is solid, then they could potentially get drafted or at least get signed as free agents.
I think it limits the ceiling on the defense because Dismuke and Williams just aren't that good. Probably raises the floor though

I don't think it's possible to do both simultaneously through a single action, but that might be more of philosophy discussion than a football one.
I don't think it's possible to do both simultaneously through a single action, but that might be more of philosophy discussion than a football one.
Dairy Queen isn't getting much better than it is right now, it's also unlikely to get worse. The ice cream shop where I lived in NYC that sold booze infused ice cream had a much higher ceiling (sold boozey ice cream), but a much lower floor.
Dairy Queen isn't getting much better than it is right now, it's also unlikely to get worse. The ice cream shop where I lived in NYC that sold booze infused ice cream had a much higher ceiling (sold boozey ice cream), but a much lower floor.

You're pretty good at metaphors, I'll give you that. But I was right about this being a philosophical discussion rather than a football one...at least so far.

The outcome you're discounting, in the football sense, is that Dismuke and Williams lower the floor, but by game three, the younger guys have gotten enough reps and competition that they take a significant number of the in-game snaps. That raises the ceiling.

So, philosophy wise, I was wrong about it not being possible. Football wise, I think it raises both floor and ceiling.
You're pretty good at metaphors, I'll give you that. But I was right about this being a philosophical discussion rather than a football one...at least so far.

The outcome you're discounting, in the football sense, is that Dismuke and Williams lower the floor, but by game three, the younger guys have gotten enough reps and competition that they take a significant number of the in-game snaps. That raises the ceiling.

So, philosophy wise, I was wrong about it not being possible. Football wise, I think it raises both floor and ceiling.
I think you meant raise the floor, but I think you're right, conditional on Fisher and Chin being willing to change safeties.
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