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Recent content by Boomerwatch.com

  1. Boomerwatch.com

    Let's drink you motherfuckers

    Just absolutely smashed the first black cherry whxte clxw of the night. Gonna go prowling on instagram for some live MLM Q and As. I like to get my hands on the compensation plans, schedule a 1 on 1, then go full forensic accounting mode over FaceTime with the recruiter.
  2. Boomerwatch.com

    Some entertainment on Open Scrolls

    GOddamnit if a thread this good pops up can people please tag me I am late to the game on this one
  3. Boomerwatch.com

    JFQ Lending

    I am not familiar with this Seans antics but do you guys think if I made a cryptocurrency and offered him 30% of the initial supply he'd plug it on RSS?
  4. Boomerwatch.com

    JFQ Lending

    Damnit I wanted to see if Will would loan me 100k for my 3/21 Tesla Calls but it's not open for further replies:/
  5. Boomerwatch.com

    As a kid, what is the biggest asshole thing you ever did?

    One could say the sex was......heavenly... Sorry.
  6. Boomerwatch.com

    As a kid, what is the biggest asshole thing you ever did?

    Use it wisely. The power can go to your head. Soon, you're not sending the poop. The poop is sending you.
  7. Boomerwatch.com

    As a kid, what is the biggest asshole thing you ever did?

    @HuskerGarrett Domains like 3K a year. May draw down on my 401K we'll see
  8. Boomerwatch.com

    As a kid, what is the biggest asshole thing you ever did?

    Sophomore year of high school, we discovered a life changing website (not what you're thinking sicko). It was called Freepoopsender.com. I do not know how they acquired their inventory, but the quantity you could get was just outright unholy. Anyway, they had gorilla, dog, elephant, human etc...

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